Friday, March 26, 2010

My Friend Kelly

This is my friend Kelly at a bridal shower for her daughter.  I'm proud of Kelly for the hard work she's doing in her life right now and for being a sweet, loving grandma to her cute little granddaughter.  I can't remember her granddaughter's name but I think it's Hailey.  Where's my mind???

This is Kelly' daughter, Cassie (on the right) and Kelly's granddaughter.   Also in the picture is Cassie's cousin with her daughter whose name is Berklie, which I thought was quite a coincidence. 


  1. Glad to see a post again, Kath! Kelly's been your friend for a long time, now I have a face to put to that name. :D

  2. You have told me so much about Kelly, it's nice to be able to actually see what she looks like. Looks like you were ate at Cafe Rio, yummy!!
