Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Idaho in January??

This will shock a couple of you.  Jim and I drove up to Rexburg, Idaho this past weekend.

Yes, I know!!  Why didn't I tell anyone we were going?  Why didn't I call Linda while I was there?  What the heck?

Here's why--it was a short, unplanned trip.  We went up to help Alex with something but didn't decide to go until the last minute.  We left Friday right after the temple and drove to Richfield, UT.  Then we went up to Rexburg on Sat. (after stopping in Provo to pick up a few things Alex had left there) and got to Rexburg at about noon.  We visited with Alex for a couple of hours and then headed back to spend the night in SLC.  Then we drove home on Sunday with a stop in Vegas for Jim to run into the Knife Show (which he had plans to go to the day before but missed) and buy some knife stuff while I ate lunch.  Crazy, I know!!

I didn't call Linda, because I was only there for such a short time and my new phone is hard to hear on, so I'll just call her from home.  Maybe right now!!  We didn't stop to see our lots.  We didn't call Chad Stanger.  We just saw Alex and d-r-o-v-e and talked and believe it or not, we stayed on our diets (except for diet coke!)  I just love it when Jim and I do crazy things.

One funny side-note, I called Cheryl (to return her call to Jim) when we were driving past Happy Valley Rd. but didn't mention that we were on our way to Idaho or that we were driving by Happy Valley Road.  Didn't want her to tell us we were crazy--ya know?

We actually had a pretty good time with each other especially considering how far we drove in such a short time and the weather wasn't the best (especially up in Idaho) and we were tired.  Here's some pictures.


  1. I want you to know that I don't think you're crazy for driving up to Rexburg on the spur of the moment, I think you're crazy because you don't have a coat on in those pics of you in the snow!!!

    BTW- I would LOVE to do that with Ed, we're sometimes spontaneous like that... well, not exactly like that.

  2. I think that is GREAT that you would do something so crazy, I mean spontaneous. Fred and I love to do things like that. And don't feel bad if you didn't call or stop by, that's alright. I can talk to you anytime really, with the technology we have nowadays. But, I would be delighted anytime you can stop by!!

  3. You crazy, spontaneous woman you!! Go Linda and Jim! I think thats awesome. And you shouldn't feel guilty for not calling anyone! They all understand that it was a super short, unplanned trip! Glad you had fun!
