Friday, January 21, 2011

TV Appearance

 Right before we left for our quick trip to Idaho, I was outside the Temple in the car waiting for Jim to finish his shift when a local TV van drove up.

Out got a certain newsman and a camera man.  I heard them talking and then walking and then the newsman spotted me in the car.  He walked over and asked me what I thought about a certain "Mormon hate group" (aka Concerned Christians) sending out 1000 DVD's to people who live near where they are building the new Gilbert Temple.  I laughed and said, "Well, I think it's sort of silly" and then went on to say quite a bit more and had a nice little chat with the camera man and newsman.  (The only thing they put on the news was that first statement--made me look "sort of silly".)

I also asked if I could take their picture since I let them take mine and they said I could.   Found out the non-LDS camera man (who looks like a BYU grad) is married to a Mormon.  And that "the newsman" who grew up in SLC but isn't active in the church has a well known grandfather (or maybe it was great-grandfather): Marvin J. Ashton.

Funny weekend, last weekend.  Maybe even W-E-I-R-D.


  1. Where's the TV clip???? I fully expected to get to the bottom of the post and see the clip. Very disappointing. I like that you took their pics though... kind of validates your 'story' (since there is no video clip I mean).

  2. I told you, I looked sort of silly in it, so I just told about it!! You can look it up on Channel 3, though, it was Friday, Jan. 14th.

  3. Hey, that is kind of exciting. Funny how the media only puts in what THEY want to and leave out the parts that maybe YOU think are important. Hmmmm....
